lundi 25 février 2013

Golf Dog

Chien de golf (Golf Dog)*, 
élevé sur le green
retrouve et ramasse vos balles, 
affectueux et véloce. 
Une bête rare, 
* On le voit ici sur son vélo d'appartement.


France weeps today at the news of its army's disgrace. Officer Girard Petit was discovered inflagrante by one of his superiors (who wishes to remain anonymous), with a German farmer. Petit swears he thought the civilian was a woman, a confusion his friends find plausible due to Girard's affection for the bottle. When questioned whether his partner's sex would alter the status of his conduct as ¨"immoral," Petit replied, "Le pantalon baisse, c'est la France!"
Justine Th.

dimanche 24 février 2013

Quand les poules auront des dents...

A toothed chicken is a fearful thing. You can be glad if you have never crossed one. They are a pompous and uncharitable fowl, prone to asserting their superiority with great snarls and hissings. Their flesh is not tender or nourishing like that of their unfanged kin; rather, it is ropey and resistant to easy digestion. They are antisocial animals and prefer the possibility of the wild to the comfort of the coup. This is just as well, as the conventional chicken is not at ease in its cousin's company. If you are a devoted naturalist and insist on confroting this unsavory bird, you might find one wandering the woods of Lozere or exploring the coasts of southern Italy. Inevitably, he is always alone and without direction.

vendredi 22 février 2013


Archive télé du 23/02/2013 19:42:30
Pas d'inquiétude : il ne s'agit que d'un canular !

mercredi 20 février 2013

Animals : Salamander

Salamander :
The curiously majestic creature before you is the fabled Draconian Salamander. It comes of the Order Caudata, which is dated back 164 million years and originated in modern day Kazakhstan. These creatures are seldom seen by humans as they only emerge from their cavernous dwellings under cover of night or heavy rain. This small dragon is well versed in survival and destruction--each step of his evolution has moved him further away from prey and further toward predator. He can regenerate all lost limbs, rendering him difficult to wound in any meaningful way. He is replete with both lungs and gills, rendering him capable of both land and water habitation. He is also said to eat his skin after shedding it, rendering him difficult to track, or recognize.
On top of the beast's afore mentioned strengths, he seems to have recently developed the ability to withstand the wrath of the naked flame. The element of the dragon's composition responsible for his resistance to extreme heat has become the subject of many raucous debates. Unfortunately, the most popular school of thought states that the creature's skin itself is a flame retardant. While there are only a handful of witnesses (most of them birdwatchers or vagrants) who claim to have seen the Draconian Salamander emerging from within a merciless blaze, men and women worldwide have taken to the wild in hopes of turning a profit. Various well known individuals have already been spotted on waiting lists for Draco-Salamandrian skin coats. Nevertheless, the minimal rate at which any of these extraordinary creatures are being captured shows us the true superiority of their evolution to our own.
Justine Th.

l'incendie du sacré-coeur

L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre !L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de Montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre !
L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre !L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! L'incendie du sacré-coeur de montmartre ! Le 2 mars 2013, l'incendie du Sacré-Coeur débute vers 18h30. Sinon, en 1559, un incendie détruisit une grande partie de l'abbaye des Bénédictines de Montmartre qui se trouvait au sommet de la Butte et, depuis lors, le mal alla s'aggravant jusqu'en 1611, époque où Marie de Beauvilliers qui, pendant près de soixante ans, gouverna l'abbaye, entreprit la restauration du Martyrium qui se trouvait au flanc de la colline. Autour de cette chapelle fut construit une nouvelle abbaye dite « d'en bas » reliée à celle d'en haut par une galerie longue et voûtée.

lundi 18 février 2013

Souris décharnée
tirant un pousse-pousse rouge.

Salamandre volante, cruelle
et carnivore, partiellement aveugle.

Squelette d’une intrigante
retrouvée momifiée dans une malle.


Rat à deux têtes, ou

double rat mono-corps.

Souris momifiée en pleurs